Media Category Descriptions

Applicants are requested to identify on the application form their primary – and if applicable – secondary media for the selection process. A maximum of two media are allowed, but you must submit three (3) pieces for each of these two categories for the selection process. The selection committee reserves the right to choose accepted media based upon a number of factors including but not limited to, a balance of media categories.

Refers to all work in clay, porcelain, earthenware, plaster, stone and /or similar materials.

Digital Art
Refers to any original non-photographic work for which the original image or the manipulation of other source material, was executed by the artist using a computer. (such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw etc.)

Refers to works created using dry media including chalk, charcoal, pastels, pencils, wax crayons etc., or from the fluid medium of inks and washes applied by pen or brush

Refers to all work handcrafted from fabric or fibre including basketry, embroidery, weaving, leatherwork, tapestry, quilts, felting, and papermaking.

Refers to all works where the primary material is stained glass or glass created by blowing, fusing, molding, casting or kiln-forming.

Refers to all works of jewelry whether produced from metal, glass, ceramics, fibre, paper, plastic, wood or other materials.

Refers to original work created through the forging, twisting, welding and fabricating of various metals.

Mixed Media
Refers to all works in both two- and three- dimensions that incorporate more than one type of physical material (eg. items made from recycled materials).

Refers to all original works created in oils, acrylics, watercolour etc. regardless of background material used for the image.

Refers to all work created by the artist that includes digital and film photography or a combination of traditional darkroom and digital techniques. Work must be printed by the artist or under the artist’s supervision.

Print Making
Refers to all printed works which are original and hand manipulated by the artists using etching, engraving, silk-screening, stone and plate lithography, linoleum block or woodcut.

Refers to all works where the primary material is wood or wood products and is hand-tooled or machine worked.

Refers to all works that do not fit into one of the above categories. You will be asked to describe these works on your Application Form.