Sylvan Circle Tour Artist Submission Guidelines

  • Exhibitors are permitted to sell only their recent, self-produced, original pieces of work.

  • Work must be an original design of the exhibitor and produced by the applicant, or follow traditional patterns, or be a skillful adaptation of a published pattern. Original work that is designed by the applicant but produced by others is not acceptable. The selection committee reserves the right to screen out work which does not meet standards of originality.

  • Exhibitors are allowed to exhibit only work that has been listed on their application and approved by the selection committee. For the purpose of selection, you must provide three (3) examples of your work for each medium to be sold (two media maximum). For Photographers and Painters, bring in three (3) framed original pieces and card samples, if selling cards. These examples should best represent the work to be exhibited.

  • Multiple artists may not use the same application unless they all contribute to all the work being submitted for selection.

  • Returning artists should aim to have enough stock to reasonably cover the expected sales for the day.

  • Work of artists selected for the tour will be professionally photographed and published in the current brochure and on the website.

The following are not permitted in the Sylvan Circle Tour:

  • Commercially manufactured products or work assembled from commercial kits or decals/materials.

  • Resale or discounted items.

  • Food items of any kind.

  • Natural body and healthcare products.

Review the media category descriptions.

Selection Process

All samples of artwork are to be delivered to the Echo Bay Community Hall, 257 Church St., between the hours of 10:00a.m. and 12:00 noon on Saturday, April 26, 2025. Submission of art work will not be accepted after 12:00 noon. The $125.00 entry fee will be refunded to any applicant who has not submitted their art work by 12:00 noon.

Contact any of the Sylvan Circle Committee members prior to this date to make alternate delivery arrangements or to discuss submission of digital images in lieu of actual pieces. Submission of digital images is not permitted at this time.

All submitted work must be picked up from the Echo Bay Community Hall, 257 Church St., on Sunday, April 27, 2025 between the hours of 11:00a.m. and 2:00p.m. Unless alternate arrangements are made, any items not picked up on this date will be returned at the artist’s expense.

All artists will be notified of their selection status by email in early May. The Sylvan Circle Committee assigns selected exhibitors to halls based on hall capacity and media. Exhibitors cannot be placed in a specific hall location by request.

Emerging Artists: Every year the Sylvan Circle Tour accepts a few emerging artists who have never participated in a juried show. Please click here for more information.

Show Display Set-up

The set-up date for the show is on Friday, September 19, 2025. The halls will not be open prior to 8:00am on Saturday, September 20, 2025, and all exhibitors must be set up by 8:30am that day. Your hall monitors will contact you to schedule set up times and discuss any individual needs. Exhibits may not be dismantled prior to 5:00pm on Saturday, September 20, 2025.

  • Exhibit Space: Each entrant will be allocated a minimum space of approximately 100 square feet including a table and one chair. The shape of the space allocated is not always square and varies between and within each hall.

  • Display Table(s): tables must be covered with clean, ironed, solid-coloured (neutral such as black or white) fabric to within one inch of the floor. Stored items such as boxes and extra inventory must be placed under the tables and thus out of sight. More requirements and suggestions for displays are available in our Artist Resources.

  • Cell Service: should be available at all halls but can not be guaranteed by the Sylvan Circle Tour Committee.

On the day of the tour, artists will be asked by hall monitors to adjust displays or remove any artwork that does not comply with Tour criteria.

Non-compliance to these terms and conditions will result in being excluded from future shows.

Entry Fees and Non-Refundable Selection Fees

The Sylvan Circle Tour Entry Fee includes a one hundred twenty-five dollar ($125.00) Entry Fee and a separate, non-refundable ten dollar ($10.00) Selection Fee. Acceptance e-mails will be sent out to applicants in early May. If a payment receipt is required, please retain the PayPal receipt emailed to you as no hardcopy receipt will be issued.

For artists not selected for the Tour or who are on the waiting list, a $125.00 refund will be applied to the account used for the original payment (either credit card, visa debit or PayPal).

Cancellations by the Entrant prior to May 15, 2025 will result in a $90.00 refund. No refunds will be provided after this date.